Is Your Financial Situation Affecting Your Health?
According to a recent telephone survey conducted by Harris Interactive, nearly half of the American population is highly stressed about their financial situation, and this stress is spreading to other areas of their lives. Nearly half of those stressed aren’t sleeping well and find themselves becoming impatient with friends, and 31% are eating more junk food or gaining weight.
The startling result of the survey draws a correlation between money and wellbeing—not only can financial stress cause weight gain, poor sleep, and strained relationships with loved ones, but these negative personal consequences may even create a higher level of money-related stress.”
“This can lead to a double whammy, with ensuing physical and emotional stress potentially leading to higher long-term costs,” says CPA Ernie Almonte.
But how can you get out of this vicious cycle?
A significant cause of money-related stress is a lack of understanding of one’s personal financial situation—navigating the … Read More