Is a Roth Account Right for You?
Over the last decade, the total number of households with Roth IRAs has increased by 47%. This rapid growth clearly shows the value of these plans. But why exactly are people so thrilled about Roth accounts?
The most prominent difference between Roth IRAs and traditional plans is that Roth contributions are made post tax. With traditional retirement accounts, savers contribute pretax dollars and pay normal tax rates upon withdrawal of the funds. With Roth plans however, individuals pay normal tax rates before contributing.
Because of the relatively flexible rules surrounding Roth accounts, they have a variety of uses. Though it is most common to use the funds for retirement, some people utilize the accounts to fund college or as emergency funds. This is possible because of IRS rules stating that any contributions that you have made to your account can be withdrawn with no tax liabilities at any time. [After age … Read More