Making your tax return easy

Filing a tax return that is both accurate and yields the optimal savings can be a stressful and burdensome process. Whether working on your own or with a tax professional, the changes in tax laws and the plethora of documents can make the process confusing and leave you wondering whether you are putting the correct information in the correct places. The most useful practice you can utilize to help yourself through this process is to locate and organize your most important tax, wage, and spending documents. If you can follow the steps in this article, it will not only streamline the filing process by providing easy access to all necessary information, it will allow you to provide audit-proof information that leads to greater savings.

Having all your documents ready makes filing quick and easy.

Step 1. The first thing you should do when gathering documents is to accumulate your most recent … Read More

Retirement thoughts…

You can plan for it, dream about it and try to visualize it, but there’s no way to tell for sure what retirement will be like for you until after you’ve actually pulled the trigger and left the job. As you contemplate this major life change, remember to prepare for these potential retirement surprises.

Many retirees keep on doing what they’ve always been doing, except they don’t go to work. There’s more time for shopping, doing home repairs, seeing friends and playing golf. But after a while it begins to sink in that time is a precious resource. People begin to reflect on their lives, start to say no to activities they really don’t want to do and consciously focus on the important, more purposeful things in their lives.

Eventually the fantasy of never again having to punch a time clock or rush to the commuter train gives way to the … Read More

Career Coach?

A career coach can help you create a personalized plan to achieve the goals of your working life. While not qualified to intervene in significant mental, emotional, or psychological issues, they can provide unbiased perspectives on your unique career situation, identify key challenges, and help create realistic solutions for moving forward. While there is no right or wrong time to ask for guidance, many coaches say that they are more effective the earlier clients engage. Career coaching is best used as prevention from finding oneself in an unfulfilling career, but it is also possible to use coaching to level up from an existing professional situation or to take action to change your direction even if you are 15–25 years into your career.

Here are a few signs that you may want to look into getting a coach.

Apathy and anxiety are signs you could use a coach. If you are … Read More